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Международное рейтинговое агентство Moody’s буквально на днях присвоило кредитный рейтинг Jusan Bank - В1, что знаменует собой признание успешной деятельности новой команды банка. О том, что уже сделано и что еще предстоит сделать, рассказал Айбек Кайып, председатель правления Jusan Bank
ROME/EDINBURGH – The eurozone needs a new common policy to manage the sovereign debts accumulated by member states in response to the pandemic. The European Central Bank currently holds a large share of these debts, but it will need to unwind them when monetary-policy considerations warrant it
If you want a glimpse of the future of banking, don’t look to Silicon Valley or Manhattan’s financial district. Instead, drive across the George Washington Bridge to Fort Lee, New Jersey
LONDON – The current value of the US government’s unfunded pension and Medicare liabilities is $46.7 trillion, or roughly two and a half times US GDP. Other estimates put that figure much higher. In the United Kingdom, a similar calculation by the Adam Smith Institute yields a £1.85 trillion ($2.34 trillion) “hidden debt time bomb.” And the situation in Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Spain is little different. It seems that all advanced economies are facing public-finance trouble ahead
Damir Karassayev told Forbes about his work at KASE, telecommunications companies in Nepal and Cambodia, purchase and subsequent sale of the Advanced Bank of Asia (ABA) and reasons behind setting up a financial company in Singapore
With the rise of data-driven investing, fintech and cryptocurrencies and the continued surge of assets into alternative strategies comes a new set of leaders reshaping Wall Street
Brian Acton, 46, sits in a cafe of the glitzy Four Seasons Hotel in Palo Alto, California, and the only way you’d guess he might be worth $3.6 billion is the $20 tip he briskly leaves for his coffee
In February, Forbes published its first-ever list of cryptocurrencies’ richest people. The top ten were each worth around $1 billion, while the wealthiest – an American blockchain innovator named Chris Larsen – was estimated to be worth $8 billion. According to the magazine’s editor, the best way to pull digital currencies out from the shadows and “into the adolescence of a legitimate asset class” is to shine a light on the beneficiaries.
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) now allocate almost a quarter (23%) of their assets under management to alternative investments such as private equity, real estate, gold and infrastructure, shows a new report from PwC
Успешный выпуск Банком развития Казахстана (БРК) своих тенговых евробондов (дебютный для эмитентов страны) на 100 млрд тенге показал, что международные инвесторы заинтересовались тенговыми активами. Их привлекают стабилизация курса национальной валюты, а также казахстанские ставки доходности